What is it

A process to obtain high porosity and high nutrient content biochar fertilizer. The physicochemical and structural characteristics of the biochar fertilizer promote the controlled release of nutrients and improve the water retention capacity of the soil. Biochar can be obtained from agroforestry residues promoting their sustainable use in the form of an added value product.

Differentials of the technology

Greater efficiency in the use of nutrients by plants and improvement of the physical-chemical and microbiological conditions of the soil, promoting better development of agricultural species and increasing productivity. In addition, it allows for the optimal use of nutrients and water, with a positive impact on fertilization and irrigation costs.

Potential applications

  • Fertilizers
  • Ground improvers

Business opportunities

  • Licensing
  • Spin-off/start-up creation
  • Co-development of technology/know-how transference


Owner: CNPEM
Development stage: pilot plant
IP Number: BR 10 2017 023632 3